Change champions
Change champions are individuals within an organization that volunteer or are selected to facilitate change. The champion is an active member within the change management project during all of its stages (Thompson, Estabrooks & Degner, 2004). They clearly see the vision for change and desire to actively advocate for, and facilitate the change, while supporting the team in integrating these new changes (Jisc Info Net, 2012). They can be from any level within the organization and it is often encouraged to have champions from multiple levels; they do not need to be from the management level (Warrick, 2009). They are key to a successful outcome of organizational change (Porter Lynch, 2012).
Change champions assist in instituting a change, they advocate for and promote the change from within, and are instrumental in implementation of the change (Warrick, 2009). The champion believes in the change, is driven by the vision, and is energized by the passion for change. They are key communicators of the change and work to deescalate conflict when necessary. The champions problem solve to remove barriers of change while at the same time creating supports for the change (Porter Lynch, 2012). They promote new ideas for change, supporting the vision and motivating others to share in this experience (Shaw, Howard, West, Crabtree, Nease, Tutt & Nutting, 2012). Champions are the driving force of organizational change, leading their teams through the change, towards innovation.